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Wendy Riley

Opening Schools Facilities Lead


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Opening School Facilities

Opening Schools Facilities (OSF) is a Department for Education (DfE) school funding programme to meet the goals of the Government’s School Sport and Activity Action Plan (SSAAP).

The three-year investment (January 2023 – March 2025) aims to help schools to open their existing sport facilities, including school swimming pools, for a broader range of young people and to support the wider community by partnering with sporting organisations, who can help deliver activities in these settings.

The programme is being led by the national network of Active Partnerships, which includes Active Notts and Active Derbyshire. It is supported by ukactive, StreetGames and the Youth Sport Trust.

Programme Objectives

The objectives of OSF are:

  • To support schools to open their facilities outside of the normal school day (before school, evenings, weekends, and holidays) to allow children & young people and the wider community to access more opportunities to be physically active.
  • To open school swimming pools focusing on swimming and water safety lessons both during and outside the school day for pupils at their school and for pupils at other local schools.
  • To provide participants with a range of stimulating and enjoyable opportunities to take part in physical activity and sport.
  • To signpost participants to take part in the same or similar activities in their local community, following the end of their participation in the programme.

A focus on tackling inequalities

The funding will be used to support activity which focuses on:

  • Disabled people/those with long term health conditions 
  • People from lower socio-economic communities 
  • Women and girls 
  • People from culturally diverse communities

Activity should also:

  • Engage the school community 
  • Engage the wider community 
  • Develop a sustainable workforce 
  • Add value (e.g., Holiday Activities and Food programme/community safety) 
  • Incorporate youth voice  

In order to meet the above criteria, Active Notts and Active Derbyshire have worked with key partners to identify schools to receive funding. The process has been led by insight and data, including looking at the percentage of a school’s pupils who are eligible for free school meals, are on the SEN register, or who speak English as an additional language.

Funding periods

Year 1: January 2023 – March 2023 (Year 1 is now completed).
Year 2: April 2023 – March 2024 (Year 2 is now completed).
Year 3: April 2024 – March 2025 (School applications have now closed).

For more information please contact Wendy Riley at wendy.riley@activepartnerstrust.org.uk

Success so far

As of 2024, Active Derbyshire and Active Notts have funded 67 schools across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire to run a variety of projects. So far, schools have delivered a total of 3,045 physical activity sessions for 8,783 children and young people and 655 community users.

“I like using the new equipment and seeing my friends after school, we also have music. It’s very entertaining and it makes me feel physically and mentally good.” – young person

“The (OSF) funding has allowed us to set up afterschool provision, developing a great physical activity offer for the young people at our setting. The equipment has shaped school culture, in which every student can now access some form of exercise equipment and develop health and wellbeing. The equipment is also a gateway to shaping future lives of students, as the skills they learn can transfer into adulthood and into the wider community.” – teacher

Case Studies

Find out more about how OSF funding has been supporting schools and their children, young people and wider communities below.

Brackenfield SEND School in Long Eaton
Hall Park Academy in Eastwood

St Andrew’s Academy, Derby

St Andrew’s Academy, Derby

Sutton Community Academy

Sutton Community Academy

Nottingham University Academy of Science and Technology (NUAST)

Nottingham University Academy of Science and Technology (NUAST)

Queen Elizabeth’s Academy

Queen Elizabeth’s Academy