About Walk Notts

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What is Walk Notts?

We have a big ambition, we want to inspire people in our city and county to walk more often, particularly those who currently don’t incorporate walking into their everyday lives. We want to transform the way people think and behave in relation to walking and help people find their own motivation to walk.  

How difficult is it to go for a walk?

We recognise that it’s not as simple as putting one foot in front of the other. We need to work together to help people walk together.

Together we need to embrace complexity. It’s a complex, messy system and we need to accept that. There is no linear solution. Typically, we’re not very good at dealing with complexity – whether that’s within the walking system, or the complexity of life.  

We believe establishing the Walk Notts Partnership could help to re-connect and better design the system and make it easier to reduce the barriers to walking. By working together, adopting a systems-based approach, we can collectively bring together our resources, energy and focus to work towards the shared outcome of Walk Notts. There might be partners we need to work with who don’t currently recognise their role in growing walking opportunities. 

There is not single solution or intervention. Implementation requires a collective and co-ordinated response across all settings where people live, work and play – by all relevant stakeholders, at all levels to ensure a more active future.
(WHO, 2020)

We want to work together to:

  • help people easily find and access walking opportunities that are right for them by including people and communities in the conversation to understand what’s right for them
  • encourage people to incorporate walking into their everyday lives, both alone and collectively
  • help people to understand the benefits of walking, not only for their physical and mental health, but also as a way of connecting with others
  • enable more active neighbourhoods and environments
  • target and align resources & investment

Walking can dramatically improve our physical and mental wellbeing.  It can reduce social isolation and inequalities.  It can also have a positive impact on climate change and our environment and connect communities. By working together, we aim to make walking easier and safer and more accessible within our neighbourhoods. 

Netwalk Broxtowe

How we’ll be working together; overarching principles:  

  • Increasing the number of people walking by focusing on those that walk the least. 
  • We are all leaders and need to take our share of responsibility to advocate and influence around walking. Leadership is not hierarchical and can come from anyone. 
  • Listening to and understanding communities and individuals, to work with them to enable change. 
  • Build and empower the workforce. 
  • Measure outcomes for people rather than numbers and processes. Developing learning as we go. 
  • Connecting and bring organisations together. 

To start with we aim to build our network.

Walk Notts Partnership

We’d like to invite you to join an exciting new group that is emerging to look at building links in our communities, sharing best practise, myth busting, walk leader training opportunities and sharing local community news which supports each of us in enabling our neighbourhoods to walk more often.

The Walk Notts Partnership is a joint approach, bringing together regional and local strategic partners with the aim of identifying the support that’s needed to bring walking to the forefront in our areas.

Below is a slide deck of the latest walking data to be released in Notts.

The key headline is that just over 3 in 10 people in Notts are really not walking much at all. Those people that do not walk are much more likely to be inactive. We also know that people in lower socio-economic communities, with a limiting illness or disability, from our Black communities or those that are unemployed are far less likely to walk. There are many reasons for this the Walk Notts partnership is aiming to work with partners and communities to find out more about these barriers to walking.

Volunteer Focus – Walk Notts Strategic Partnership Meeting

Volunteer Focus – Walk Notts Strategic Partnership Meeting

We know how important the volunteer workforce is in relation to enabling people to be…

Walk Notts Strategic Partnership Meeting 16/1/24

Walk Notts Strategic Partnership Meeting 16/1/24

In this meeting we heard from Andy Brooks from Peak Running about the fantastic Myth…

An insight into Physical Activity Behaviour in Nottingham City

An insight into Physical Activity Behaviour in Nottingham City

Scott Hartley, from our Insight partners, Press Red present’s an Insight into the Pysical Activity…

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Getting out and about in Carlton

Getting out and about in Carlton

In collaboration with the local community, we’ve created a map of many local amenities in…

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Get moving from Screen to Green

Get moving from Screen to Green

Today is Mental Health Awareness Day and by no coincidence a new local area app…

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Walk Notts Partnership Meeting 22 August 2023

Walk Notts Partnership Meeting 22 August 2023

Here are the highlights for our Walk Notts Partnership meeting on 22 August 2023. In…

Walk Notts Strategic Partnership Meeting 26/7

Walk Notts Strategic Partnership Meeting 26/7

Here is the highlights for our Walk Notts Strategic Partnership meeting on July 26 2023.…

NetWalking – moving more, whilst you work

NetWalking – moving more, whilst you work

Healthy Workplaces Derbyshire is part of Derbyshire County Councils Public Health department, and supports workplaces…

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Making movement a priority in our hospitals

Making movement a priority in our hospitals

As part of our work with the Notts Falls and Physical Activity Community of Practice,…

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Accessing the Outdoors

Accessing the Outdoors

In 2021 Paths for All commissioned the Sensory Trustto develop this brand new Outdoor Accessibility…

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Funding opportunities for Walking projects in Notts

Funding opportunities for Walking projects in Notts

Are you working in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire with an invested interest in Walking and have…

Walk Notts Partnership meeting 14/6/23

Walk Notts Partnership meeting 14/6/23

If you are working in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire with an invested interest in Walking and…

Latest Walking Insight in Notts

Latest Walking Insight in Notts

The Walk Notts partnership have been looking at the latest Walking Insight across Nottingham and…

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For more information on Walk Notts, or joining the partnership please contact helenhemstock@ridewise.org.uk or muratbasaran@ridewise.org.uk