Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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Systems Leadership

Making our Move is a system-based, collaborative approach and we know that not one organisation can design or implement the solutions.

Designing movement back into people’s daily life is complex and requires us all to think and act differently, across institutions, organisations and sectors. We’re learning that how we work is key, with everyone feeling empowered and able to lead…together.

Systems leadership is not about your role, the organisation you work for or the level of authority / decision making you have. Systems leadership is about a network of people from different organisations, sectors and different levels, coming together to work collaboratively around a common purpose, to create change.

We’re keen to connect with others around this and so have convened a number of spaces around systems leadership. We hosted a series of sessions in 2023 with Debbie Sorkin of the Leadership Centre and we are pleased to announce we will be hosting another series in 2024.

What are Systems Leadership sessions for?

Understanding the principles of Systems Leadership and how they can help create change in complex systems is increasingly important given the challenges the public, voluntary and health sectors are facing. These sessions are an opportunity to take a step back and consider what we can still do in the light of the operational and financial pressures you might be facing, with an emphasis on practical ways in which you can make progress and affect change.

We’ll be providing practical resources and tips to support you in your work and certificates of attendance for your continued professional development (CPD).

Who are they for?

Our systems leadership approach is FREE and open to anyone who wants to join the conversation. Systems Leadership is about supporting you to create change in tricky and complex systems, whether you are in a senior position or not so if you work for local government, the health system or voluntary sector, these are for you.

The sessions in 2024 will include similar themes and topics to the 2023 sessions, with the exception of the last session – Keeping Change Going. We’ve designed these sessions so that you can dip in and out of what looks interesting without feeling left behind. So it might be that you’ve been involved in the sessions before and want a bit of a re-fresh, have some experience of working this way and want to connect or you are curious and want to explore this work further. We’ll be hosting these online on Zoom with Debbie Sorkin leading the sessions so that it’s accessible to more of our partners and colleagues.

To book, please complete the below form.

28 March 2024 1pm to 4pm

Introduction to Systems Leadership

25 April 2024 1pm to 4pm

The Fundamentals: Making the System work for you and working with shared purpose

22 May 2024 1pm to 4pm

Being clear about what it is you want to do and how you might get there: getting onto the Balcony and Future Basing

18 June 2024 1pm to 4pm

Understanding your landscape: the lie of the land: Root Cause Analysis, Rich Pictures, Stakeholder and Actor Mapping

11 July 2024 1pm to 4pm

Using the power of influence when you don’t have formal power (1): using influence to shift perspectives amongst key stakeholders: Empathy Mapping and Reframing

17 September 2024 1pm to 4pm

Using the power of influence when you don’t have formal power (2): using Public Narrative to get people to join with you in action

The second session around influence carries on from the idea that you can exert real influence, and change what happens, without necessarily needing formal or positional power. 

17 October 2024 1pm to 4pm

Keeping change going: leading through uncertainty and developing personal resilience

The final session in this series of workshops looks at how you can keep change going; for yourself, and for others. 

Please indicate which sessions you would like to attend
You are welcome to join one or all of the sessions. Please note that joining links for each individual session will be sent out a week prior to each session. Also, please check you can attend each session before confirming. *These sessions might be useful for a group of people working on a shared purpose so feel free to invite along colleagues too, a group can be as few as two people. You can also attend and participate in these sessions without being in a group though.
Please let us know if you require any support to fully access or participate in this session.
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We’d like to send you a meeting request for the session but this option means that others can see your email address so if you’re happy with this, select YES. If you’d prefer for us not to include you on the meeting request and instead send you the joining link separately, please select NO.
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2023 Sessions

We hosted a series of sessions in 2023 so if you’d like to watch a recording of these or view the presentation, please click on the links below.

25 January

Introduction to Systems Leadership – How to lead when you’re not in charge

16 February

Getting to Common Purpose

21 March

Time to stand back and reflect (Dancefloor and Balcony)

25 April

Who’s in my system?

23 May

How can I Influence? Framing and Reframing

22 June

How can I influence? Story Telling (Public Narrative)