Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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Category: Active Notts

  • Tesco and The Sun Offer 150 One-off Grants Through the Footie for All Fund

    Tesco and The Sun Offer 150 One-off Grants Through the Footie for All Fund

    Tesco and the The Sun newspaper, have joined together to provide a funding pot of £150,000. The fund is to encourage more children and young people to take up football or improve access to the game. The grants are part of The Sun’s Footie for All campaign. The fund is to highlight how financial struggles…

  • The Fore’s Unrestricted Funding Programme Opens on 28 March – Apply Early.

    The Fore’s Unrestricted Funding Programme Opens  on 28 March – Apply Early.

    The Fore offers unrestricted funding to small charities and CICs that are making a big impact. That is, organisations which want to significantly grow, strengthen, become more efficient or resilient. They won’t fund ‘business as usual’. They have a particular interest in supporting grassroots organisations working with underserved communities. Unrestricted grants of up to £30,000…

  • Bank Accounts for Community Groups

    Bank Accounts for Community Groups

    The Resource Centre has written a very useful guide for new groups looking to open a bank account.  The article covers areas including: Click here for more information.

  • Making Movement a Priority in Communities

    Making Movement a Priority in Communities

    As part of our work with the Notts Falls and Physical Activity Community of Practice, we hosted our THIRD webinar in the Making Movement a Priority series, titled Making movement a priority in Communities. The interest in this session was truly overwhelming, with over 100 people signing up to attend the event and half of…

  • Cycling UK Reopens Big Bike Revival Grants Programme for Summer 2024

    Cycling UK Reopens Big Bike Revival Grants Programme for Summer 2024

    Cycling UK is offering grants of up to £3,500 for voluntary and community cycle groups across England to deliver projects and activities that: For the Summer 2024 funding round, there is a focus on encouraging partners to inspire participants to return to subsequent events, to help sustain increases in cycling, and to help make a…

  • One Stop Community Partnerships

    One Stop Community Partnerships

    Groundwork and One Stop Stores have teamed up to deliver the One Stop Community Partnership Programme to support groups and organisations who are working within 2 miles of a One Stop Store. This programme is designed to support community groups or organisations which are; • Tackling food poverty• Supporting the vulnerable• Supporting the elderly• Supporting…

  • Postcode Places Trust – Grants for Smaller Community Organisations

    Postcode Places Trust – Grants for Smaller Community Organisations

    This fund is open to small voluntary and community organisations.  It has a wide range of priorities, some of which are listed below.  However, a key aim is to help disadvantaged people or neighbourhoods. There are two grant thresholds depending on how the applicant organisation is constituted. One stream of the grant is up to…

  • Nature for Health Grants

    Nature for Health Grants

    The Peoples Health Trust has launched a new Nature for Health grants programme.  The programme is aimed at supporting local community initiatives that promote health and wellbeing through nature-based activities. Eligible organisations can apply for grants of £20,000 to £40,000 for activities lasting 2 years. Applicants are asked to secure match funding of at least…

  • South Derbyshire’s UK Shared Prosperity Funding and Rural England Prosperity Fund

    South Derbyshire’s UK Shared Prosperity Funding and Rural England Prosperity Fund

    This scheme, administered by South Derbyshire District Council, is backed by part of South Derbyshire’s allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Funding and Rural England Prosperity Fund monies. The part of the South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund backed by the Rural England Prosperity Fund provides capital funding for voluntary and community groups/not for profit organisations. This…

  • East Midlands Airport School Eco-Garden Fund

    East Midlands Airport School Eco-Garden Fund

    Following on from the success of the East Midlands Airport (EMA) School Eco-Garden Competition, the airport’s Community Fund has ring-fenced a pot of funding to provide an ‘Eco-Garden Fund’. Schools and other not-for-profit community organisations and charities within East Midlands Airport Area of Benefit can apply.  The area of benefit is mainly to the south…