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Expression of Interest High Peak Walk Derbyshire Community Engagement

Walk Derbyshire

The vision of Walk Derbyshire is to make every day walking the norm for all residents of Derbyshire. High Peak has funding to carry out a small-scale pilot that will focus on community engagement and co-production. This will develop understanding of the barriers and opportunities to support residents to walk more, with a focus on areas with the highest levels of inactivity and deprivation. A High Peak Walking Consortium has been formed of cross sector partners which include High Peak Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Active Derbyshire, The Bureau (Glossop), Move More Glossop, New Mills Volunteer Centre, High Peak School & Sport Partnership, Lex Leisure and the Peak National Park. The Consortium is involved in implementing the Move More High Peak Strategy shared 5 principles and priorities, and more specifically the priority of Move More Better Heath in the context of this project. https://movemorehighpeak.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2023/07/MMHP-Strategy-FINAL.pdf The consortium has worked collaboratively to identify a place-based approach across the borough – the place focus will be in New Mills, Buxton, Glossop and Hope Valley. We have identified older people and people living with long-term conditions and/or a disability as people we would like to engage with, specifically those who may be able to manage their condition /disability/emotional wellbeing through ‘movement’ with an emphasis on walking. The Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing strategy objectives include ‘stay well’ and ‘age well’ and Derbyshire County Council have a ‘Live Stronger for Longer’ campaign. The scope for this work is to carry out face to face and other formats of engagement with older people and people living with a long-term condition and/or disability, to hear their lived experience of what walking means to them – what are the enablers and the barriers? Examples of engagement may include working with the ‘Team Up’ Acute Home Visiting Service, informal/formal carers, Age UK, Befriending Schemes, Welfare Rights Service to identify engagement opportunities.


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The funding available is up to £12,500.


Casual Hours



Placed on

Mon 18th March, 2024



Sport / Activity

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Interview Date


HPWD Expression Of Interest Engagement Work .docx

We are looking for an organisation or individual to link with Sarah Rodgers from Active Derbyshire/the Consortium to:

  • coordinate opportunities for engagement and community conversations with the people we wish to understand their needs and wishes
  • carry out the engagement
  • document the insight gathered
  • feedback at regular intervals to the consortium and contribute to how this piece of work evolves
  • produce a final, presentable report to aid the consortium’s understanding of what the priority group are saying.

This should include:
• A summary of overall findings
• An outline of what has been observed, heard and learned
• Identification of any emerging priorities, patterns, and trends as well as gaps in our understanding

The funding available is up to £12,500.

We envisage the piece of work spanning over 8 months from May to December 2024 (approximately).

If you are interested in this work, please complete the form below and return to sarah.rodgers@activepartnerstrust.org.uk by 5pm on Friday 12th April (with a view to commencing asap). The consortium will then determine the best fit for the work in terms of value, connections to the work and the potential for support available.