Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

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Category: Funding

  • Free Training Opportunities through Club Matters

    Free Training Opportunities through Club Matters

    Club Matters have arranged a series of free training opportunities for people involved in the delivery of sport and physical activity. The Raising Money to Sustain Your Club webinar and the ‘Share and Learn’ Dealing with Increasing Costs sessions in December were well attended, so much so, they’ve put on additional sessions in January.  Thursday…

  • The Naturesave Trust: Supporting Environmental Projects

    The Naturesave Trust: Supporting Environmental Projects

    Naturesave Trust focuses on small projects for charities, CICs and community organisaitons. The Naturesave Trust’s latest funding window is focused on the circular economy, with a focus on repairing, restoring, mending, sharing and repurposing. The Trust want to help community groups, charities and social enterprises to deliver projects to reduce waste and the over consumption…

  • EMR’s Community Fund

    EMR’s Community Fund

    EMR’s Community Fund aims to support communities and organisations along the EMR routes. The EMR Community Fund is designed to inspire projects and make a difference to those that need it the most. The EMR Community Fund is open to a wide range of organiations including CICs schools, youth organisations, sports clubs… Applications must meet…

  • Cost Of Living Crisis Grants

    Cost Of Living Crisis Grants

    The Charity Excellence Framework has put together details of funding opportunities from Charitable Trusts and Foundations which support charities, non-profits & community groups through the cost of living crisis. This is good source of national support for clubs and groups in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. We also feature more local funds within our funding news pages.…

  • Funding to Support Disabled and Disadvantaged Children

    Funding to Support Disabled and Disadvantaged Children

    Grants of up to £5,000 are available to small  registered charities to fund equipment and services to support disabled and disadvantaged children under the age of 13. The Toy Trust fund: Groups that have carried out some form of effective fundraising by themselves are particularly encouraged to apply. The next deadline to apply is mid-February…

  • BME Youth – Together Fund

    BME Youth – Together Fund

    BME Youth is inviting clubs, groups, associations and organisations to apply to Sport England’s Together Fund to deliver sports and physical activities to culturally diverse communities, disabled people, lower socioeconomic groups and people with long term health conditions to improve their health and wellbeing. Grants are up to £10,000. The deadline is 31st March 2023…

  • Sport England Reopens Small Grants Programme with Awards up to £15,000

    Sport England Reopens Small Grants Programme with Awards up to £15,000

    The Sport England Small Grants Programme aims to support local community sport projects that encourage people to feel able to get involved in sport and physical activity. Grants of £300 to £15,000 are on offer for a twelve-month period. Applicants do not have to be a sports organisation to apply and a wide range of…

  • Small Grant to Support Activities for Young People

    Small Grant to Support Activities for Young People

    The Central Social & Recreational Trust provides grants in the region of £1,000 for activities involving young people under 21 years of age and who belong to a club/organisation. Grants can be used to cover the cost of equipment, to assist in the maintenance of property owned by the club or where there is a…

  • New £3m Platinum Jubilee Village Halls Fund Accepting Applications with First Deadline of 20 January

    New £3m Platinum Jubilee Village Halls Fund Accepting Applications with First Deadline of 20 January

    Capital grants are available for village halls in rural areas across England to enhance, upgrade, extend, improve, and construct halls so that, as a result, new activities can take place bringing communities together. The funding aims to support the modernisation and improvement of village halls, so that they are fit for purpose and can provide…

  • Small Grants for Charities working with Yapp Charitable Trust’s Priority Groups

    Small Grants for Charities working with Yapp Charitable Trust’s Priority Groups

    The Yapp Charitable Trust has just opened to support running costs and salaries of up to £3,000 for organisations with expenditure less than £40,000 per year They offer grants only to registered charities with a total annual expenditure of less than £40,000. They will not fund work that does not focus specifically on one of …