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Making Movement a Priority in Communities

Active Derbyshire, Active Notts, Learning, News, Support Others

As part of our work with the Notts Falls and Physical Activity Community of Practice, we hosted our THIRD webinar in the Making Movement a Priority series, titled Making movement a priority in Communities.

The interest in this session was truly overwhelming, with over 100 people signing up to attend the event and half of those people attending for the duration of the webinar. WOW!

Thanks to those who were able to join us on the webinar and to our amazing content providers and speakers.

In this webinar we heard a fantastic insight into what a strategic approach to Falls Prevention looks like in Derbyshire, from Caroline Waller and showcased an amazing piece of community work from Sara Davies and her community network, in Carlton.

If you missed it or would like to recap the full meeting recording can be found below.

You can also find out a bit more about the Community Bench mapping Project here and find link to the online Google Map. (If you’d like to know more about how it was developed, that can be listened to in our Talking Space on building mobility, feturing the same project.

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