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Support Others > Funding > National and local funding

Great national and local funding opportunities

Below are details of some key national and local funding opportunities.

Sport England’s Movement Fund

Sport England’s Movement Fund seeks to develop opportunities for communities to get more people physically active. Grants available are between £300 and £15,000. Sport and physical activities funded can run for up to one year.

The Movement Fund includes a small grants fund and crowdfunding pledges. Funding can be for revenue costs and minor capital improvements.

This fund prioritises projects where there’s most need. Projects providing opportunities for groups facing barriers to activity are of particular interest, such as:

  • people living on low incomes
  • disabled people or those with long-term health conditions
  • older people
  • people from culturally diverse communities
  • pregnant women and parents with very young children
  • girls aged 5-16
  • LGBTQ+ people
  • people who are in foster care
  • people who provide care without pay.

Sport England is particularly interested in projects that address combined priorities, such as people with long-term health conditions alongside caring responsibilities. To help assess this they have developed an inequalities metric.

Sport England also give priority to projects in communities where there is a greater need. To help with this, they use Place Need Classification (PNC) – click here.

A wide range of not-for-profit organisations can apply. From small community organisations through to statutory bodies.

Applications can be made at any time.

Click here for more information about the fund.

Awards for All (National Lottery Communities Fund)

Awards through Awards for All of between £300 and £20,000 are available to not-for-profit organisations for up to 2 years of activity. There are no deadlines for applications.

Awards for All can support the delivery of new or existing activity or to support your organisation to change and adapt to new and future challenges. The funds priorities are to:

  • build strong relationships in and across communities
  • improve the places and spaces that matter to communities
  • help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage.

In addition to meeting one or more of the above funding priorities they are also able to fund projects that support people, communities and organisations that are facing increased demands and challenges as a direct result of the cost-of-living crisis.

A wide range of costs including small capital improvements are covered by the fund. Click here for more information.

Foundation Derbyshire

Foundation Derbyshire offers small grants of up to £2,500, for up to 12 months of activity, to not-for-profit groups working across Derby and Derbyshire.

Their funds can support a wide range of activities and costs. There are no deadlines for applications.

Foundation Derbyshire can offer support at each step of the way, even after your bid is submitted. Click here for more information.

Nottinghamshire Community Foundation

If your community group or charity operates in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire and you are supporting people in the city or county it is likely they will have grant funding available to support your work. Grants awarded tend to be smaller grants less than £10,000.

Nottinghamshire Community Foundation administers a number of grants programmes each with differing themes, criteria and available amounts. E.g. the JN Derbyshire Trust which supports the promotion of health and the development of physical improvement.

They have generated a guide to help with the application form and help on what makes a good application. Click here for more information.

Nottinghamshire County Council Local Communities Fund – Revenue Grants

Nottinghamshire County Council’s revenue grant will fund a variety of projects delivered by voluntary and community organisations.

Priority areas for this fund include:

  • Increase volunteering opportunities that enable more vulnerable residents to be supported.
  • Help to improve mental health.
  • Help to improve physical health.
  • Help to reduce loneliness.

The sort of expenditure covered by the fund includes:

  • Communications (e.g. internet, landline and telephone).
  • Insurance and professional fees.
  • Relevant staff salaries and staff training.
  • Volunteer training and volunteer expenses.

The next round of the Local Communities Fund is due to open Autumn 2024.

The maximum award will be £5,000 per project in any financial year.

Successful organisations will be offered a 12-month funding agreement.

Click here for further information about this fund.


If you are looking to raise funding for your club, school or community project, this is a great way to get your members, supporters, friends and family to help. They can help you raise money by simply shopping online through easyfundraising.

It doesn’t cost you a penny extra, when you shop through easyfundraising. The site works like a cashback website, with the cashback being accrued for the cause / project of your choice.

Register your club, group, school or PTFA with easyfundraising. Then encourage your members and supporters to use the easyfundraising website when they shop online. The shops and services give commission for their purchases.

This is then turned into a donation to give to your cause. Thousands of shops and services including utilities, holiday and insurance companies are registered, so there is plenty of choice when you go shopping online.

Click here to find out more and to register.

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