Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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Support Others> Resources> Youth engagement and co-design

Youth voice, co-design and co-production

One of the shared aims of Making our Move, our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire, is enabling children and young people to have positive experiences of being active throughout their childhood.

We want to see more young people enjoying being active, with young people involved in developing opportunities that are right for them.

We’ve brought together a number of resources, tools and case studies to support those working with young people to ensure their views and voices are heard.

What do we mean by youth voice, co-design and co-production?

Below are some useful diagrams to help illustrate what we mean by youth voice, co-design and co-production. They show how this is not just about listening to young people and then using what they say to inform decision-making, but instead involving them in every step of the decision-making process, delivery of activities and evaluation.

Source: Youth Sport Trust
Source: Youth Sport Trust
Lundy Model
Source: Joined Up Care Derbyshire & Integrated Care Board Co-production Framework

Useful tools

Below are links to a number of resources, toolkits and models which we are aware of. You may wish to use some of these to support you in engaging with young people and gaining youth voice.