Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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Active Derbyshire and Active Notts newsletter feedback

We want to make sure that our newsletter is useful and includes information that is relevant and of interest to your work. If you could spend a few minutes completing this survey, it will help us to make sure we’re doing this.

The importance of your feedback

We know that feedback and reflection is vital if we are to continue to develop and grow and would welcome some constructive explanations or solutions that reflect your scoring.  

We are working to create an open, transparent and honest environment so we would really like you to put your name to your feedback (at the end of the survey). This way we can come back to you to ask you for more detail to help our understanding or ask you to be involved in helping make improvements. 

Which newsletter is this feedback about?
How likely is it that you would recommend this newsletter to a friend or colleague?
With 1 being not very likely and 10 being very likely

Any data submitted in our website will processed in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.  Please note that your personal information may be collected and processed by us as detailed in our privacy notice.  Please click here to read the privacy notice.