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Applications are now open for voluntary, community and charity organisations to apply for a grant from Derbyshire County Council to open a Warm and Welcoming Space this winter.
It follows the success of a scheme last year which helped to fund more than 150 spaces supporting Derbyshire residents during the colder months.
Organisations can now apply for up to £1,000 towards the cost of opening up new community venues or to extend their opening hours as the weather gets colder. The money can be used towards things like providing meals or light refreshments, the cost of energy bills or paying running costs to stay open for longer.
To qualify for a grant, organisations must pledge to offer a heated space during the winter months, provide seating, may offer refreshments such as a warm drink and a biscuit and be free of charge.
People visiting warm spaces will also be offered information to help them with cost of living support, as well as advice on looking after their mental health and wellbeing.
Providing a warm space for people to be able to come together provides an opportunity for delivering physical activities.
Applications will be accepted up to 1 March 2024, or until the funding allocated to the programme has been fully spent (whichever is sooner).
Find out more about warm spaces and how to apply for a grant.