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The Severn Trent Community Fund is supporting local charities and community groups with £2million a year.
Severn Trent have supported local charities and community groups with over £20million in the ten years from 2020. Therefore, if you’re helping to make a real and tangible difference in our communities, they want to know!
New project funding
This fund will support brand new projects that have genuine community need and a real impact on improving community wellbeing. Severn Trents expected that around 45 projects will be supported each year. Grants available £2,000 to £20,000 and £20,000 to £100,00.
The following application deadlines are for new project funding:
- Friday 28 February 2025
- Sunday 31 August 2025
There are application deadlines throughout the year, it is recommended to check before applying.
Core funding
This funding is for organisations that deliver vital community services and to continue existing delivery. Eligible charities and organisations (with income under £250,000) can apply to be considered for a restricted core funding grant of between £5,000 to £20,000 for one year. Severn Trent expect to be able to support around 55 organisations each year through two funding windows. These are May and November. Each window will be open for one month.
There is no set deadline for core funding yet. However, they plan to open applications in May and November for one month at a time.