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News & Stories > Nottinghamshire County Council: Local Communities Fund – Revenue Funding

Nottinghamshire County Council: Local Communities Fund – Revenue Funding

Active Notts, Funding, News

Applications for Revenue funding are invited from Voluntary and Community Sector organisations that have developed effective activities in response to a local need or gap analysis, in particular activities that:

  • contribute to a prosperous and growing economy
  • enable Nottinghamshire residents to contribute to social and cultural opportunities
  • encourage innovation to strengthen communities and support vulnerable residents
  • encourage local networks where people help themselves and each other to be resilient, neighbourly and safe
  • increase volunteering opportunities that enable more vulnerable residents to be supported
  • help to address climate and environmental change
  • help to improve mental health
  • help to improve physical health
  • help to reduce loneliness
  • improve access to existing community-based services (e.g. advice and signposting), for the most vulnerable residents
  • offer early help and prevention to those who most need it
  • provide support to communities of interest, for example rural communities
  • deliver Summer Play Schemes.

Revenue funding can help towards the running costs (‘core costs’ or ‘overheads’) that are essential to delivering the project / service as described in the application for funding.

There is no maximum award amount detailed for the large revenue grants, however most previous awards have been up to £30K with some above this level.

Revenue Small Grants

The Spring 2023 launch of the LCF Revenue Programme consists of a Revenue Small Grants scheme. The closing date for the Spring application window is Sunday 4th June 2023.

  • The maximum award for the small grant will be £5,000 per project in any financial year.

The Council anticipates launching another Revenue Small Grants scheme in Autumn 2023, possibly from 2 October 2023.subject to budget availability.

Links for the capital fund and revenue funding can be found here.