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News & Stories > Lloyds Bank Foundation – Specialist Grant Programme

Lloyds Bank Foundation – Specialist Grant Programme

Active Derbyshire, Active Notts, Funding, News

The Lloyds Bank Foundation Specialist Programme closes on the 3rd March.  

The focus is to support small, local, specialist charities with an income of £25,000–£500,000 where their three-year unrestricted £75,000 grant and support to develop, can make the greatest impact.

They’ll support charities that understand the complexity of the issues people face and are best placed to make a genuine difference to people’s lives.

This year they’ll be able to fund 70 charities that are delivering frontline services around eight themes:

  • Addiction
  • Asylum seekers and refugees
  • Care leavers
  • Domestic abuse
  • Homelessness
  • Offending
  • Sexual abuse and exploitation
  • Trafficking and modern slavery

Unrestricted grants from Lloyds Bank Foundation will allow charities complete flexibility to use the funding however they see fit, including to cover salaries, rent and utilities, which have become ever more challenging due to the cost-of-living crisis. Through long-term funding, development support and influencing policy and practice, the Foundation helps charities make a life-changing impact, building a more just and compassionate society.

For more details upon the Specialist programme head to the Lloyds Bank Foundation website. Click here for more information.