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Grants of up to £4K are available for grassroots sports clubs to deliver activities within local communities. Money for the fund is raised through the sale of Greene King IPA in local pubs, online and in-store.
A total of £360,000 of funding is available with grants of up to £4,000 are available.
A wide range of community organisations can apply.
Priority will be given to organisations that can demonstrate how their sports club or project benefits members of the local community, and projects that will have a long-term impact.
Nominations are restricted to one per person.
Eligible Expenditure:
Funding is intended for sports activities that have a positive impact on the club and/or the surrounding community.
Examples of projects that have previously received funding include:
- Renovations of a club’s facilities to make them more inclusive and accessible.
- Coaching qualifications and referee courses.
- New equipment and kit.
The project beneficiaries must be aged 18 and over.
Funded projects should be delivered by 31 December 2024.
The deadline for applications is 1 November 2024.