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News & Stories > FREE Funding Training in Nottingham

FREE Funding Training in Nottingham

Active Notts, Funding, News

First Steps in Funding – 1st October 2024 at Antenna in Nottingham – 9am – 1pm

The session will introduce grant funding and will look to cover a range of topics to help you better understand what funders and grant makers are looking for. And how you can develop strong proposals. You’ll look at researching and finding out about different funders, as well as considering other income streams for your organisation.

This session and the one on 21st October will be delivered by James Kirkpatrick from Funding Support who has over 25 years experience in grant making and applying for grants

Next Steps in Funding – 21st October 2024, 9am – 1.30pm – Nottingham Mechanics

The session will develop your understanding of funding and planning the development of your approaches to different funders. You’ll look at identifying your organisations funding needs, and how you can develop support for different areas of work. Through developing a funding plan you will also develop your understanding of who will be the best funders and investors to approach, considering the size and scale of support, and when this is needed. The session will involve use of a number of different tools and exercises to help you to learn through practice.

Tender training – 10 October 2024 9am – 1.30pm – Nottingham Mechanics

This event delivered by Go4Growth, will provide an exploration of key elements in navigating the complex processes of applying for contracts in the public sector. Attendees will gain insight into the differences between these funding mechanisms and learn how to be “tender ready” by understanding specifications, evaluation criteria, and how to answer quality questions effectively. An interactive scoring exercise will allow participants to assess responses, highlighting common mistakes and missed elements that can impact success.

The session will also explore partnerships and collaboration, discussing best practices in preparing for joint work and managing relationships.

Practical tips on writing succinctly within word counts, using links and diagrams, and ensuring compliance with tender requirements will be covered, alongside advice on jargon busting and tailoring responses to different tender types. You’ll look at how to demonstrate your organisation’s value, evidence need, and through feedback sharing real experiences from the room, we’ll explore how to deal with potential challenges.’

Emma Lau, Project Support Officer emma.lau@notts.police.uk  07971 782163