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News & Stories > Energy Resilience Fund

Energy Resilience Fund

Active Derbyshire, Active Notts, Funding, News

A blended funding package of grant and loan funding is available for charities and social enterprises that are looking to install energy-saving measures or generation technology.  This can be to buildings/land (including new builds).  The package also covers the purchase of energy efficient or environmentally friendly vehicles or equipment.

The funding is to help with reducing carbon emissions, energy cost savings, upgrading energy efficiency ratings to meet future regulations.  It can also help with increased use or comfort of buildings, or replacing older vehicles and equipment with modern energy efficient versions.

Funding of £25,000 to £250,000 is available via a blend of grants (40%) and loans (60%). The loan repayment term is one to ten years. Loans have a 2.5% arrangement fee and an interest rate of 8.5% fixed per annum. Loans will generally be provided unsecured.

Eligible organisations must be an incorporated voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation.  They must also have a minimum of two years’ operating activity and a minimum turnover of £100,000.  Also, they must have freehold ownership or a lease with a minimum of 12 years remaining if applying to install energy saving/generating measures to buildings/land.

Click here for more information.