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News & Stories > Cycling UK Launches Big Bike Revival Summer 2025 Grants Programme

Cycling UK Launches Big Bike Revival Summer 2025 Grants Programme

Active Derbyshire, Active Notts, Funding, News

Cycling UK is offering voluntary groups and not-for-profit organisations grants to deliver cycling projects. Projects must be aimed at adults who are either not currently cycling or cycling less frequently.

The Big Bike Revival Programme offers grants of up to £3,500. Projects need to deliver events that use the ‘fix-learn-ride’ model to achieve the following objectives:

  • Inspire and encourage the large proportion of the adult population who do not cycle, to start cycling.
  • Increase the number of adults that cycle by addressing the fact that a high proportion of adults in England own cycles (42%) but are not using them.
  • Increase the number of trips made by cycles by addressing the fact that adults in Britain appear to be aware of cycling and its potential for shorter journeys but have safety concerns about using it as a form of travel.
  • To improve the perception of cycling safety by providing opportunities for adults to access supported cycling activities, training on how to cycle safely, and how to keep cycles in safe working order.

Events should be aimed at people returning to cycling, starting as complete beginners, and other people who do not cycle regularly. This includes reaching new people, including groups who are underrepresented in cycling or face challenges and perceived barriers to cycling, such as:

  • Women.
  • People on low incomes.
  • People who identify as belonging to an ethnic minority group. 
  • People not in work.
  • People who do not meet physical activity guidelines.
  • People with perceived barriers to cycling.

For the Summer 2025 funding round, there is a focus on encouraging partners to inspire participants to return to subsequent events, to help sustain increases in cycling, and to help make a much bigger difference through Big Bike Revival. Proposed activities should take place between 18 April 2025 and 31 October 2025.

The deadline for applications is 14 July 2025. 

Click here for more information.