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Activity Alliance has relaunched its Inclusive Activity Programme with new content and endorsement from the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).
The new package offers a range of specialist inclusion training options for organisations and individuals.
Since 2018, the Inclusive Activity Programme (IAP) has provided specialist inclusion training on how to make activities fun and inclusive for everyone. It has now been relaunched with a new learning package which supports sport and leisure organisations, community groups, disability organisations, volunteers, and individual practitioners to provide inclusive opportunities for disabled people and people with long-term health conditions to be active.
Activity Alliance’s latest Annual Disability and Activity Survey results showed that disabled people taking part in sport and activity are having less positive and inclusive experiences since the pandemic. While only a quarter of activity providers say they have received specific disability training and feel confident in delivering activity to disabled people (Workforce Perception Gap, 2019, Activity Alliance). IAP aims to address these issues by increasing the confidence and competence of the sport, disability, and community workforce through low-cost training and development opportunities. An inclusive workforce is key to achieving fairness for disabled people in sport and activity.
A key feature of the programme’s relaunch is its alignment to CIMSPA’s Working Inclusively Population Standard. This means individuals can earn four CIMSPA continual professional development points by taking part in IAP.
Through IAP’s new learning package, organisations and individuals will learn how to create and adapt activities without the need for specialist equipment. The programme is ideal for people in professional and volunteer roles who support disabled people and people with long-term health conditions to be physically active.
Barry Horne, Activity Alliance CEO said: “We are thrilled to relaunch our Inclusive Activity Programme with endorsement from CIMPSA. We know how important this programme is to increasing the confidence and competence of deliverers to include disabled people in their activities. By aligning the programme to CIMSPA’s Working Inclusively Population Standard we are one step closer to achieving our long term vision – achieving fairness for disabled people in sport and activity.”
Costing no more than £40 per learner, learners will be able to access a suite of digital and in-person learning opportunities, including:
- an immersive and scenario-based eLearning module,
- an interactive online workbook,
- a three-hour practical face to face workshop, and
- a range of specially selected resources, tips and activity cards to support their ongoing development.
To find out more go to Inclusive Activity Programme | Training | Activity Alliance.