Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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Opening soon in parts of the East Midlands: People’s Health Trust

Active Derbyshire, Active Notts, Funding

Small local groups (income less than £350K) with great ideas to make their communities even better places to live will be invited to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality.  The Active Communities funding programme opens on 16 November 2022 1pm in parts of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

What they fund:

Small and local projects, genuinely designed and run by local people. We offer funding of between £5,000 and £40,000 for projects lasting up to two years.

Projects for people who experience greater social and economic disadvantage than people living in other parts of the country.

Groups of people living very close together, or groups of people who have a shared identity or experience.

Grants up to £40,000

Click here for more information.