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The latest Active Lives Survey data was released last week and we’ve collated the local data across local authority areas across Derbyshire and Notts.
The Active Lives Survey began collecting data in November 2015 and the latest data release covers November 2021 to November 2022.
In Derbyshire
- Inactivity rates have remained consistent over the last 12months (26.2%), but active rates have increased by 1.8pp. Nationally inactive rates decreased by 1.4pp
- Inactive rates are lower than the pandemic highs (19-20, 27.1%) but remain higher than baseline (23.8%) and pre pandemic lows (18-19, 23.9%)
- Inactive rates in Derby and North East Derbyshire are significantly higher than baseline
- Inactive rates remain highest in Bolsover at 34.4% and lowest in Derbyshire Dales 17.8%
In Nottinghamshire
- Inactivity rates have decreased over the last 12months by 1.3pp to 26.3%, Nationally inactive rates have also decreased by 1.4pp
- Inactive rates have now decreased year on year since the pandemic highs of 28.0% in 19-20 and are now lower than baseline (26.9%)
- Rushcliffe had the lowest levels of inactivity in 20-21 (22.2%), this has decreased by a further -5.6% to 16.6%
- Inactivity rates remain high in Ashfield (31.3%), Bassetlaw (32.5%) and Mansfield (31.1%)
To view and download the full data, please click on the links below.
For more information about the Active Lives Survey, visit Sport England’s website here