Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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Derbyshire Physical Activity Collaborative Leadership Programme logo

The Derbyshire Physical Activity Collaborative is about transforming how we deliver physical activity interventions, through Public Health investment, which are focussed on those who are less active and living with long-term health conditions.

There is a recognition that we need to work differently if we are to create the desired change in outcomes and how we will work is key. Re-designing our approach to physical activity investment provides the opportunity to create a collaborative model which essentially means we connect and integrate across organisational and sector boundaries by sharing the use of resources and forging new relationships. 

The Leadership Programme is designed to develop your team’s knowledge, skills and understanding of effective leadership and covers these areas:

Principles of Leadership 

We start with the notion of leadership. We establish that it is not about the leader themselves but about creating an environment for others to flourish. We develop some principles of leadership including the importance of emotional intelligence and resilience. We establish why leadership is different to management and begin to explore some useful leadership behaviours. 

Creating Culture 

We develop this concept further in the context of organisational dynamics and creating a people-centric culture that explores vision, values, behaviours and belief systems, and how the power of culture can provide business and organisational advantage. 

Understanding the Sector Landscape 

The development of a fuller appreciation of leadership is limited unless there is practical context within which it can be applied. We explore the rich depth and breadth of the sport and physical activity eco-system. We also discover that it is increasingly likely to converge with other sectors of health, social care and education and we learn that health inequalities are a product of a systemic infrastructure. 

Whole System Thinking 

For sport and physical activity to have a positive effect upon the health of our communities, it needs to do so in the context of collaborating more deeply with other parts of the system. We discover what systems are and how they behave. We explore systems thinking and systems leadership, appreciating that effectiveness in the future will be about distributed leadership and the ability to collaborate and influence. 

Leading for Renewal 

We develop this concept further in the context of organisational dynamics and creating a people-centric culture that explores vision, values, behaviours and belief systems. We explore how the power of culture can provide business and the organisational advantage. 

Programme details

The programme is a series of six in person sessions which are all interlinked so if you book onto the programme, you’ll be signing up for all six sessions.

All sessions will take place at the Post Mill Centre, Market Street, South Normanton DE55 2EJ and will be held from 9.30am to 1pm.

Setting the Scene

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Understanding Leadership

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Creating Vision

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Turning Strategy into Action

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Progress Review

Tuesday 21 May 2024


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Book your place here

Please let us know if you require any support to fully access or participate in this session.
Please confirm you can attend all dates(Required)
If any of the dates is an issue, please contact katie.crockett@activepartnerstrust.org.uk to discuss further.
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