Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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Physical Activity Programmes in Derbyshire – Invitation to Quote

Active Partners Trust

Active Derbyshire works to reduce physical inactivity in each local authority area in Derbyshire by working with system partners to develop local insight, collaborative working and investment in places/people with the greatest inequalities. Our Strategic Lead for Bolsover, Erewash and South Derbyshire has progressed this work supporting a strong partnership culture in each area. A period of maternity leave means we need this work to be maintained and several specific programmes to be taken forward. The focus of the work will be within 3 geographical areas – Bolsover, Erewash and South Derbyshire, the work will focus on the following: • Commissioning of Public Health Physical Activity Services – Capacity to be provided to support the transition from a grant funded programme based around Exercise by Referral and Walking for Health to a collaboratively commissioned process which is insight led and engages wider partners. • Walk Derbyshire – support local consortiums and partnerships to deliver Active Neighbourhood Pilots in Erewash and Bolsover and a Community Engagement and Co-Production Pilot in South Derbyshire, to ensure alignment with ‘Making our Move’ ways of working and the engagement of wider system partners. • Stakeholder and System Leadership – to work together with local partners to develop and improve the local system that supports people to be physically active. For example, the ‘All Move in Erewash’ programme where capacity will be needed to support the recruitment and induction of a project officer, support the working group and connecting with Health and Wellbeing Boards and Place Alliances. Please view and download the full Invitation to Quote and quotations should be submitted, via email to christine.gregory@activepartnerstrust.org.uk by 5pm on Monday 7th August.

Stuart Batchelor 07789651450 stuart.batchelor@activepartnerstrust.org.uk



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The total costs for conducting this work, including expenses shall not exceed £36,000 (Inclusive of VAT, costs and expenses).





Placed on

Tue 18th July, 2023



Sport / Activity

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Physical Activity Programmes In Derbyshire Invitation To Quote Jul 23