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Expression of Interest: Amber Valley Walk Derbyshire – Community Engagement in Somercotes and Riddings

Walk Derbyshire

The vision of Walk Derbyshire is to make every day walking the norm for all residents of Derbyshire. Amber Valley has funding to carry out a small-scale pilot that will focus on community engagement and co-production. This will develop understanding of the barriers and opportunities to support residents to walk more, with a focus on areas with the highest levels of inactivity and deprivation. An Amber Valley Walking Consortium has been formed of cross sector partners including Amber Valley Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Active Derbyshire, Amber Valley CVS, ARCH Social Prescribers, Places Leisure, Activity Alliance, Somercotes Parish Council, and residents. The consortium has worked collaboratively to identify Somercotes and Riddings as the place focus and people living with long-term conditions and/or a disability as the priority audience to engage with. The scope for this work is to carry out face to face and other formats of engagement with people living with a long-term condition and/or disability and to hear their lived experience of what walking means to them – what are the enablers and the barriers? Examples of engagement may include at GP clinics, warm spaces, community groups, long-term condition support groups and carers groups. We envisage the piece of work spanning over 4-5 months from April to September (approximately). If you are interested in this work, please complete the form below and return to sarah.rodgers@activepartnerstrust.org.uk by 5pm Monday 18th March 2024. Full details can be found in the document below.


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The funding available is up to £3,500 with an additional small budget for events if required.



Placed on

Mon 26th February, 2024



Sport / Activity

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Interview Date


AVWD Expression Of Interest Engagement Work .docx