Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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Enabling an inclusive workforce and creating inclusive spaces

We have included links below to some of the organisations and individuals that provide training, guidance and workshops to help increase diversity and create safe spaces for physical activity within our communities.

Many of these groups are small community projects run by volunteers. Please make sure that you do your own checks, ask your own questions and make sure safeguarding policies and insurance is in place where it is required.

These resources are not affiliated with Active Derbyshire and Active Notts so we cannot take responsibility for any of the guidance, training or toolkits provided. the page will be updated annually to keep information up to date.

Most resources are free and indicated below but some are priced so contact the organisation for more info.

Updated December 2024

Mental Health



Racial Equity

Female Inclusion

LGBTQ+ Inclusivity

Older Adults

Young People

Mental Health

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Online & face 2 face mental health training (MHFA England)

Focused on providing support to workplaces through adapted training and new resources, so they can look after the mental health of their employees. Includes mental health awareness, first aid training and more.

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Mental Health Training (Rethink Metal Illness)

Increase understanding of mental health and mental illness, and develop a range of skills and tools you can use, both in the workplace and in everyday life.

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Workplace wellbeing leaflets (MIND)

A range of booklets and e-resources on how to deal with depression, anxiety, loneliness, stress and more.

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Physical activity and mental health resources (MIND)

Find training resources, webinars, networking events, case studies and campaigns to raise awareness, tackle mental health stigma, and support people with mental health problems to become more active.

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Emotional health and wellbeing resources (Derby and Derbyshire) 

Signposting people to services or further information that is available locally and nationally. Children and young people, adults, suicide prevention and neurodiversity specific information included.  

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Mental health first aid course (Signs4Life)

Enhance your understanding of mental health conditions, including who may suffer and what to do about it.

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Suicide awareness training (Derbyshire County Council)

Free suicide awareness training you will gain skills and confidence to help someone who may be considering suicide.


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Supporting girls who are Autistic (Youth Sport Trust) 

A video and practical toolkit that builds upon knowledge of girls with autism spectrum conditions and some of the key considerations for making PE and sport inclusive to all. 

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Neurodivergence learning (Access Sport) 

Neurodivergence Inclusion Learning sessions explore the experiences of neurodivergent people in a sport setting, and what we can do to ensure the best experience possible. 

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Neurodiverse sport’s workshops and webinars (Neurodiverse Sport) 

Tailored to each audience, these sessions cover understanding neurodiversity, effective communication strategies, and creating adaptable spaces that support neurodivergent athletes. 

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Advice and Guidance (National Autistic Society) 

A guide to help you meet the needs of Autistic people in your groups and clubs.

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ADHD, Autism and taking part in sport webinar (Child Protection in Sport Unit) 

Mini webinar discussing how people in sport and activities can include and safeguard neurodivergent children and young people.


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Learning hub (Activity Alliance)

High-quality and accessible training includes inclusive communications, delivering an excellent service for people with disabilities , inclusive activity Programme and inclusive PE training.

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Inclusive PE training (Activity Alliance)

Training workshops and resources for teachers, trainee teachers and school staff to embed inclusive practice in their schools.

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Inclusive activity programme (Activity Alliance)

The programme will equip you with the skills to engage disabled people and people with long-term health conditions more effectively in physical activity. 

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10 ways to create an inclusive workforce for disabled people (Get Out Get Active programme)

GOGA have developed ten ways that will help organisations, providing
physical activity, to encourage more disabled people into employment.

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Deaf awareness training (Signs4Life)

Training includes how to identify the barriers that deaf and hard of hearing people face, how they communicate and how to communicate with them. Also explore finger spelling and the deaf community and culture.

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Equality & diversity training (Signs4Life)

Explore and identify disability, remove barriers, encourage inclusiveness and help organisations comply with the latest disability legislations.

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Visual impairment awareness training (Signs4Life)

Identify barriers and understand the challenges people with visual impartments face and how to offer practical solutions and improve access to services for the visually impaired.

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Coaching blind and partially sighted people- eLearning (British Blind Sport)

Increase your knowledge, confidence, and skills so that you can coach blind and partially sighted people effectively in your sports and activity sessions. Includes specific modules for tennis, football, swimming and goalball.

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Learning Disability and Sport Workshop (Mencap)

Workshop covers what a learning disability is, the issues and barriers they face, different ways to communicate and include them and how to promote sports people with a learning disabilities.

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Conditions, impairments and disabilities (Sense)

Learn more about complex disabilities, deafblindness, autism, cerebral palsy and more.

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Create sensory experiences for deafblind or disabled people (Sense)

From yoga toolkits to sensory walk guides, our resources and reports will help sports practitioners, coaches, teachers and support staff provide sensory experiences for people who are deafblind or disabled. 

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Deaf people’s inclusion in sport eLearning course (UK Deaf Sport)

The focus of the course is to empower learners to feel confident in reaching and engaging with players who are deaf and hard of hearing by understanding their experiences and the barriers they face.

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Bespoke deaf, deafblind & disability training courses (Deaf-initely women)

Courses based on our lived experience and knowledge to address issues specific to your business. Becky Daykins, Connection Manger, for Deaf-initely Women joined our Talking Space last year to share how walks are organised, the barriers women face and what benefits they gain from joining.

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Disability inclusion hub (Buddle)

Tool created in partnership with Activity Allience to help you see how inclusive and accessible your organisation is when meeting the needs of disabled people. 

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Access Sport Inclusive Club Network (Access Sport)

The Inclusive Club Network includes a regular programme of inclusion-focused webinars, email bulletins, training opportunities, information sharing and networking opportunities.

Racial Equity

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Bystander intervention training (Communities Inc)

Empower people to address bullying, harassment, poor behaviour, disrespectful attitudes, discrimination, prejudice, negative biases, undermining behaviours microaggressions. Free for Nottingham based community organisations.

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Unconscious Bias for Sport and Physical Activity- online (UK Coaching)

The online session aims to raise awareness that we all have biases and challenges your reactions to them.

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Terminology resource (Sporting Equals)

Unsure what language to use in situations? Sporting Equals has created a guide for inaccurate/outdated terms, rationale and suggestions on what to use instead.

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Tackle discrimination in football (Kick It Out)

Guides and resources for promoting inclusion and ending discrimination.

Female Inclusion

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Make space for us (Women in Sports)

Women and girls deserve equal opportunity to enjoy the benefits of sport, and Women in Sports want’s to tackle sexism in sport at every level. Understand how teenage girls feel about being active outdoors in their local parks and green spaces.

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This Girl Can

They seek to tell the real stories of women who get active or play sport in the way that’s right for them. You can get involved in their campaigns and find insight, toolkits, guides, brand assets and photos.

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Lets Get Out There (This Girl Can)

The campaign aim is for women to think of nature and outdoor spaces as places to enjoy and improve their physical health and overall wellbeing. A range of editable posters, social media assets and images are provided so you can share the message.

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Engaging women and girls (Buddle)

Top tips to encourage women and girls to be active, barriers and solutions to get young girls, teenage girls and women to be active and many more resources.

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Creating a safe space for girls to be active (Talking Space)

We were joined by Make Space for Girls and Move More Derby to discuss why open space aren’t used by girls and how we can make PlayZones and activity spaces more welcoming to girls. 

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Discuss physical activity during pregnancy and after childbirth training (Active Pregnancy Foundation)

Half a day of training that will equip professionals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to discuss physical activity during pregnancy and after childbirth.

LGBTQ+ Inclusivity  

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LGBTQ+ inclusivity (Buddle)

Understanding the barriers to inclusivity and what community/sport groups can do to embed more inclusivity. It’s important to ensure that LGBTQ+ people are given opportunities and as much support to get active as other people, including those with other protected characteristics. 

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The diversity champions programme (Stonewall)

Diversity Champions programme gives employers the confidence and tools they need to meet the needs of today’s diverse workforce and empower LGBTQ+ employees to thrive.

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LGBTQ+ terms (Stonewall)

An alphabetical list of LGBTQ+ terms.

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Creating positive experiences for LGBTQ+ young people in physical activity through inclusive environments (Talking Space)

We were joined by Circus Strong, Red Hill Academy and Bedfordshire CAMHS to share how to approach inclusion for children and young people in physical activity.

Older Adults  

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Avoiding falls and staying healthy (Nottinghamshire County Council)

Get Up and Go booklet, strength and balance exercises, chair based exercises and strength and balance classes to prevent falls and fractures in older adults.

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Being active as you get older (Age UK)

Support older adults to get more active even if they are inactive or want to get active but aren’t sure what to do.

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Falls Prevention training courses (AGE UK)

Three in person courses on gaining an understanding of how to facilitate functional movement sessions for older and frailer adults, how to deliver chair based excercise and CPD training providing knowledge and skills of the Otago exercises.

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Alzheimer’s Society Learning Hub

Improve your knowledge and understanding of dementia through an online learning experience. 14 dementia courses available now with each course takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes to complete.

Young People  

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StreetGames training workshops

StreetGames training develops the workforce to activate change by building skills and knowledge in the areas of sport, physical activity, community safety, and mental and physical wellbeing.

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Sport safeguarding training (Child Protection in Sport Unit)

Different levels of training provided by a number of organisations to help you and your team to keep children safe. 

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Free resources (Youth Sport Trust)

Resources include 60 second physical activity challenges you can provide, at home physical activites, swimming and water safety, wellbeing resources and more.

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Safeguarding Kit Bag Resources (England Cricket Board)

Find supporting guidance and templates to help your club put measures in place to ensure you create a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for all, especially children.