Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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Almost every aspect of our lives impacts our health and ultimately how long we will live – our jobs and homes, access to education and public transport and whether we experience poverty or discrimination. These factors are often referred to as the wider determinants of health.

Please tell us about your area so we can better understand the communities we work is. Tell us what you’ve seen and heard.

How our health is affected by where we live community capture Form

Please let us know what you’re hearing and seeing in your local area.

Did people tell you they look out for each other? Do they have family and friends living locally? Do they have caring responsibilities? Are there any people/organisations they told you about that help them to connect with other people? How safe did they tell you they feel living here? Is the area clean? What is the geography like? Are there different communities within the area?
•What did people tell you about where they go to? (Stay locally/travel around) •How do they travel to places? •How easy did they tell you it is it to get to places (like school, work, places to meet people and green spaces) without a car? •What did they tell you the public transport is like? Is it affordable? •What did they tell you about feeling safe moving around the community? (Walking, cycling, driving)
•Did people tell you they look out for each other? •Do they have family and friends living locally? •Do they have caring responsibilities? •Are there any people/organisations they told you about that help them to connect with other people? •How safe did they tell you they feel living here? Is the area clean? •What is the geography like? Are there different communities within the area?
•Were people in work? If so what kind of work did people say they do? •What did people tell you about local good job opportunities? •How does the range of opportunities suit them and other local residents? •What are their working hours like? •Did people mention receiving benefits? If so, which ones were mentioned? Did people talk about challenges accessing support?
·What have people said the houses in this community are like? What is the quality like? Did they say they’re well insulated and warm? what is the type of housing? the size and do they have a garden? ·Is the housing suitable for their needs? Older people / families?
-It can be related to previous comments, What is the single biggest challenge? It could be around the sense of community, getting around, what’s available locally, jobs, green space, services, anything you have felt, or observed.