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Systems Leadership – Getting to Common Purpose

Event > Systems Leadership – Getting to Common Purpose

Systems Leadership – Getting to Common Purpose





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Getting to common purpose is a natural follow-on from the Introduction to Systems Leadership workshop.  Common purpose is of fundamental importance if you’re working in complex systems and you need to work in collaboration with people who come from different backgrounds and sectors, and who might have different priorities, perspectives and sometimes even language to you.  Common purpose is based on being clear about one thing you’re going to work on: so it’s not about changing the system all at once, but about doing real work on a complex issue, together with a ‘coalition of the willing’ – a few people who think the way you do. 

Common purpose is based on asking three questions. What do we want to do? Why do we want to do it? What are the benefits going to be? From there, you can think about practical ways to get your common purpose off the ground – projects, stakeholders, measures of progress and narratives for different audiences.  Common purpose is about having your agenda, and being able to stick to it in the face of change.  In the session, you’ll have an opportunity not only to learn about common purpose, and about ways to build it; you’ll also get to try out developing a common purpose for real.

As with all the sessions, it will be practical and interactive, with plenty of time for questions and discussion.  We hope you’ll find it genuinely helpful.

The session will be 3 hours long from 1pm to 4pm.