Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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The Village Shop

Social connections

the Village Shop

When I lived in a small village in Leicestershire we had a tiny shop which was a hive of activity. It did supply a few basic provisions and it had a tiny café (2 tables) which was where all the news and views were exchanged. School parents would pop in after school drop off or before pick up. Farmers would drop in after their morning rounds. Residents would go up there to pick their newspapers. And messages would be relayed ‘When Farny comes in can you let him know there’s a hole in his fence on Back Lane?’

I feel that my Strong and Steady classes are becoming like that. This week someone came in to tell everyone about the amazing Scams Awareness talk delivered by Age UK Notts; another told us about the brilliant County Council organised Cost of Living event. We got feedback about the EasyLink accessible transport scheme. Someone dropped off a card for a resident and her family in a local scheme – one of our members who lives opposite her was able to drop it round. In another class the participants signed a birthday card and handed it over to one of the other participants who lives on her own with their rendition of Happy Birthday bringing tears (of happiness) to her eyes. One couple brought in their fold up mobility scooter to show another couple. People are passing messages about events and asking after other participants and then asking if their friends/neighbours can join the classes. The carer of one participant is now accompanying another lady who she cares for to the classes and doing the exercises with her at home..