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I heard it on the grapevine

Mental wellbeing

I heard it on the grapevine……one step at a timing in Carlton and district…………..

• The conversation after the Mapperley Strong and Steady class revealed that many of the participants come from different parts of the world – one lady talked about she had left Finland as a a baby with her family – they went first to Liverpool where they had a medical examination – those who failed this had to stay in Liverpool, those who passed went on to Ellis island just outside New York where they had another medical examination – those who failed were sent back to Liverpool, those who passed were allowed to enter New York. She stayed there for 15 years before returning to Finland and then came onto England where she found a job and love and has remained for the last 40 plus years. Others then told how they had left Czechoslovakia, Guyana, Scotland via Canada etc – we truly are a country of immigrants.
• The Orchard Court crew raved about their trip to Attenborough Nature Reserve and are now planning another one to Matlock Bath. After initial reservations about the lack of lawn mowing, they are now happy with the resulting wildflower meadow – photo attached.
• The Strong and Steady crew participants at Netherfield and Carlton who are participating in the 3 month membership offer at Carlton Forum are enjoying the experience. Again a one step at a time experience for them – one had initially been referred to the classes by a community physio and has come religiously ever since, her carer is now bringing other clients; another had been referred to the classes by a SPLW – she had severe anxiety and very little confidence in her physical ability – both are now improving beautifully and she’s making friends and coming to other groups – she planted some wildflowers in a pot on her window sill and they are coming on well and she joined Slimming World and has reached her target of losing 1.5 stone over the last 3 months.
• I went to Moreland Court this week – first time of meeting them. One of the Carlton Strong and Steady crew ( a superconnector) was there to introduce me to people and help support me in the conversation; two more residents who have just joined the Netherfield Strong and Steady crew did the same. I heard that while some people are happy walking on their own, others are struggling because of their mobility – unsteady, hauling walkers around. Afraid to get on buses because of the palava of getting walkers on and off it. Nervous of going too far from the housing scheme. A group of them are very keen to go on a trip to Attenborough Nature Reserve – Martin is now organising for them to join another scheme on their minibus; a group is keen to join me on a benchmapping treasure hunt around the top of Carlton Hill. Just sorting logistics out but it will probably be on a Saturday and it will be a very short and slow walk. 10 of them are interested in a Movement to Music session – sadly I have no capacity on a Monday which is when they want it so Martin and I will try to identify another instructor who can help. And we also talked about gardening – two of the residents (my Netherfield crew) have been doing a lot of the gardening there but are now slowly letting go to another couple of residents. It also appeared that another lady would be interested in getting involved – the challenge will be how to make this happen given that she is very frail. But hopefully we can support this in some way. And the Netherfield crew have asked if a friend of their’s from Walton Court can attend anything happening at Moreland Court
• I’ve connected Michael from Carlton Community Hub with Charlotte from Simply Dance – hopefully this will result in a little dance display at Michael’s Family Fun Day – NB this will be some of the girls from Charlotte’s dance club, not Michael and Charlotte doing a waltz!
• The Carlton Hill Community Action Group facebook page is sharing Martin’s summer activities at Carlton Hub and the Friends of George V groups are sharing it among their own contacts
• A quote from the Carlton Strong and Steady crew ‘we could just sit here and talk all afternoon – it’s so relaxing and we’re all such friends now.’
• The husband of one of the S and S crew sending his wife in with a list of specific questions about lake swimming at Colwick – where do you park, where do you change, can I buy a tow float, can I store valuables etc. He’s been expressing a bit of interest over the last 7 months but seems to have moved from precontemplation to moving into action now as he’s bought himself a wet suit and now asking specific questions – we’re not just helping those who actually attend the classes!
• And the best bit of the week for me was seeing the whole face light up of a lady as she exclaimed ‘look at me, I’ve never been able to lift my arm up so high before, thank you so much.’ Her eyes sparkled, the smile stretched from ear to ear and then afterwards with her new hairdo and new outfit she sat with the glamorous ladies and chatted happily about everything under the sun. This lady was referred to me by a Social Prescribing Link Worker. Initially she was far too anxious to leave her house so I supported her at home with the exercises for 3 weeks and then gradually she grew the confidence to attend a group class and now look at her, the centre of attention…..A pure joy.
• And we’ve shared quilting patterns and home-made scones; and tales about Morocco (where we went for out big marches); and learned about an ex ballerina at MC, and sang – goodness how we’ve sung……………………