Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

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Category: Mental wellbeing

  • Living with a long term health condition or disability explained through the Spoon Theory

    Living with a long term health condition or disability explained through the Spoon Theory

    For many people living with a long term health condition or disability being physically active can be mentally and physically challenging. They often need to carefully mange their daily energy and regularly attending activities like walking groups can be challenging. To help better understand what its like to live with a long term health condition…

  • Bolsover Compass: Youth Ambassador Programme

    Bolsover Compass: Youth Ambassador Programme

    Bolsover Compass is part of the Active Neighbourhood Pilot work taking place in Derbyshire. They started a Youth Ambassador programme in Bolsover to support the young people in the area to develop skills for the future, contribute more to their community and bring them together. We joined them at their Halloween trail event, hosted and…

  • Warm Welcomes

    Warm Welcomes

    Warm Welcomes are community spaces in the local neighbourhood bringing people together. Its somewhere people can gather for support, comfort and interact with others. The spaces have recently been given some funding from Rushcliffe CVS to incorporate more physical activity into their existing and emerging Warm spaces. Which has allowed them to run gardening sessions…

  • I heard it on the grapevine

    I heard it on the grapevine

    I heard it on the grapevine……one step at a timing in Carlton and district………….. • The conversation after the Mapperley Strong and Steady class revealed that many of the participants come from different parts of the world – one lady talked about she had left Finland as a a baby with her family – they…

  • Rekindling memories, creating new memories

    Rekindling memories, creating new memories

    Rekindling memories, creating memories The Strong and Steady crew ‘go’ to different places in our imaginations on our ‘big marches’. We’ve been up at Everest to bring the news back to the King for his Coronation, we’ve been up Snowdon on St David’s Day and last week we went to Highfield Park at Nottingham University…

  • 30 days Wild in June

    30 days Wild in June

    It’s June and we’re having ‘30 days Wild in June’: • Pat goes wild in Woodborough – one of the Calverton Strong and Steady crew, aged 90, tests out the tree swing on their birthday afternoon tea outing. Next trip out at the end of June on a river cruise. • Notts Wildlife Trust Nature…

  • test 3

    test 3

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nec ex volutpat, imperdiet orci ac, interdum eros. In in dolor malesuada, consectetur lacus sit amet, bibendum mauris. Curabitur vestibulum ut lorem in venenatis. Nullam molestie mattis dolor eu rutrum. Nunc convallis vulputate vehicula. Nunc turpis dolor, ullamcorper ut pellentesque id, porta sit amet lorem. In…