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Sport Welfare Support

Our Sport Welfare Support is led by our Sport Welfare Officers across Derby and Derbyshire, Notts and Nottinghamshire:

Derby and Derbyshire: Franky Boyland


Nottingham and Nottinghamshire: Asma Iqbal


Across England, sports clubs and organisations are being supported by a new network of Sport Welfare Officers. They have been recruited by Active Partnerships and funded by Sport England through an investment of National Lottery money.

These Sport Welfare Officers are working with National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and key partners, such as the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit and Ann Craft Trust, to develop a new local approach to assisting and supporting club welfare officers, to create safer club environments and improved experiences for young people and adults.

The aim of the network is to increase welfare capacity and expertise at a local and national level and share best practice to help prevent concerns, making sport safe for everyone.

The programme will see 63 Sport Welfare Officers employed across the network of 43 Active Partnerships. This network will be supported by the Active Partnerships National Organisation. The programme contributes towards the Uniting the Movement strategy and is one of Sport England’s commitments in the policy response to the Whyte Review, published by Sport England and UK Sport. The Whyte Review questioned the level of responsibility and support given to volunteers at grassroots level. The network will complement a sport’s existing NGB safeguarding services and provide additional local capacity to help support safeguarding compliance to become embedded in the culture

Join the East Midlands Sports Welfare Forum on Facebook

The East Midlands Sports Welfare Forum is run by Sports Welfare Officers from each of the 5 regions.

A friendly community forum dedicated to club welfare officers and other club volunteers within the East Midlands region.

Providing you with knowledge and updates on safeguarding and welfare topics, events and training in your area.

A space to ask questions, share your thoughts, connect with others or simply observe the content that is shared.

So what do these Sport Welfare Officers actually do?

Click each of the titles below to find out more!

Are you looking for training for your club, or group? Not sure where or how to access safeguarding or inclusion training? Please ask your local sport Welfare Officer.

Something cropped up in your club and you want to know more? Let us know, we’ might be able to try to signpost, or support.

We’re not here to interfere, we just want to help. Even if you think you have all the policies and procedures in place, have followed your NGB advice, but still have questions on if there is anything else you can do to make your club safer or more inclusive. Just ask.

If you’re unsure what welfare, training or networking opportunities are available in your area, we can find out, or potentially arrange for you.

If you’re unsure of local safeguarding procedures, who to contact, or how to contact them, we can signpost. If you just want to talk to someone locally, or ask for a club visit, please get in touch

If you’re doing something well and are happy to encourage others to do the same, we can share good practice. Or if you’re unsure what to do next, or hit a roadblock we can give you some ideas.

Link to Safeguarding page and other signposting pages

Not sure which policies you need? Or just struggling to get started and looking for a template, on what to include in best practice guidance, we can help.

We’re keen to look out for opportunities to join a local networking event with a view to developing a network which can keep people informed.

Don’t want to wait? Tell us who you want to connect with – other sports, people or clubs, you name it and we’ll try to connect with them.

We don’t necessarily advise on, or manage individual concerns or cases. All concerns must be referred without delay in accordance to your Local Authority, Police or club Safeguarding Lead depending on the incident.

To learn more, again please get in touch.

NGB Support

Part of the role of the Sport Welfare Officer is to support the National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs).

Read the latest NGB newsletter

We’ve just launched the latest NGB newsletter. If you’d like to read, click below and if you’d like to join the mailing list, contact franky.boyland@activepartnerstrust.org.uk

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Keep up-to-date…

Read the latest Sport Welfare Support news.

Latest Derbyshire Clubs Newsletter

Latest Derbyshire Clubs Newsletter

The March newsletter for clubs and groups for Derbyshire has been sent out by Franky…

Latest Derbyshire Clubs Newsletter

Latest Derbyshire Clubs Newsletter

The February newsletter for clubs and groups for Derbyshire has been sent out by Franky…

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New East Midlands Sport Welfare Forum Launched

New East Midlands Sport Welfare Forum Launched

A new online forum to support clubs and groups locally has just launched across the…

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