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Active Partners Trust, on behalf of the Nottingham Playzone Consortium (NPC), is seeking to appoint an organisation or individual to act as Project Manager from Monday 1st June to Friday 19th January.
The Nottingham Playzone Consortium (via Active Notts) will appoint the Project Manager (PM) to manage the consultation process and submission of the Playzone bid.
The PM will have regular meetings with Active Notts and NCC to help direct and manage the process, ensuring resources and timelines are adhered to.
A work plan will be developed to help the PM complete key tasks appropriately.
We are looking to appoint a PM for the equivalent of 6 days per month from June 2023* to mid-January 2024 to manage the consultation process and prepare the bid for submission.
*Please note that some preliminary work will be undertaken before the start of the contract to support an initial ‘Narrowing the Focus’ workshop.
What is a PlayZone?
PlayZones are modern, safe, and engaging facilities that are designed to deliver recreational football / multi-sport participation growth.
Launched by the Football Foundation, the PlayZone Programme aims to engage with local audiences and communities facing the greatest inequalities, to create outstanding sports and activity spaces and address barriers to participation. The four focus audiences have been identified as:
- Lower socio-economic groups
- Women and girls
- Disabled people and people with long-term health conditions
- Ethnically diverse communities
Please read and digest the attached project overview before preparing and submitting your quote before the deadline of 12 noon on Friday 19th May 2023.
For an informal chat about the project and role please contact
How to submit your quote?
Quotations should be submitted via email to both Kerryn and Adrienne Kelly by 12 noon on Friday 19th May 2023
Submitted quotes should include the following:
• CV and/or covering letter which summarises the skills and experience relevant to the project scope and assessment criteria
• A clear proposal for how the work would be carried out
• An indication of the average number of working days/hours per month
• Anticipated start date and completion dates for relevant phases of the work
• A schedule of costs and services within the parameters of the fee in point 6.1
• Any further information which may support the proposal