Our shared vision for Uniting the Movement in Notts and Derbyshire

Making our Move
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What supports South Asian and Muslim women move more for good health?

Making our Move, our shared vision for Notts and Derbyshire sets out that together, we will address inequality and empower everyone to be active in a way that works for them. One of our communities where inequalities exist is with South Asian and Muslim females.

This insight brings together lived experience through partners working across Nottingham and Derby that helps us understand these communities better and consider how we can all better enable movement to become the norm.

Lived experience is something we need to continually seek to understand. We know this doesn’t capture everything and everyone’s perspectives or experiences, but it is what we have have learned.

Inactivity and health inequalities data that sets out the need and the intersectionality at play
• Inactivity of ‘Asian population’ – 37% Derbyshire, 28.3% Notts
• Inactivity of Muslims – 38.4% England
• Inactivity females – 30% Derbyshire, 25.9% Notts
• Health inequalities

The relationship between economic inequalities and inactivity is well established. This insight takes a holistic approach, recognising the intersectionality of culturally diverse communities, socio-economic status and living in communities of deprivation.

Through a collaboration with This Girl Can Nottingham, Nottingham City Council and Nottingham Muslim Women’s Network, we are pleased to share this guide about Understanding what supports South Asian and Muslim women to move more – a guide for anyone that is creating inclusive and accessible physical activity spaces for South Asian and Muslim women, written through a Nottingham City lens. We know that every community is unique and the most successful work is that which responds to local need and is created in partnership with trusted groups and people. We hope this provides a useful framework on which you can look to build inclusive spaces for your local communities.

Watch the video of some of our work in Nottingham City

How working in partnership is helping multiple organisations develop a new walking Workforce.

Overview of the community & cultural considerations

Umbrella of Islam – Intersectionality of Faith, Ethnicity and Culture

It is important to appreciate the large populations and diversity within the umbrella terms ‘South Asian’ and ‘Muslim’.  Certain aspects of ethnic origin and culture may impact how, when and where a Muslim woman might be active. There are multiple beliefs and cultural practices within the ‘Umbrella of Islam’, all of which have an impact on perceptions of and behaviors around being active.

When we talk about South Asian communities, we are referring to people of Afghan, Pakistani, Indian, Nepalese, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan and Bhutanese heritage. As the map pictured demonstrates, this is a huge geography. With this, there is a variety of political, social, economic, historical and cultural contexts for different populations migrating to the UK.

Islam is the second largest faith group in the UK and the community is one of the most diverse in the world. The Muslim community is very diverse, with backgrounds such as Pakistan and Bangladesh being the largest groups, as well as Muslims from the Middle East, Somalia, and other African countries.

It doesn’t matter how we’re active – everything from walking to gardening to sport counts. All those things contribute to a healthier life. What’s really important is helping people and communities to be active in a way that works for them, and addressing the barriers that might stand in the way. That’s what Making Our Move is all about.

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